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Frequently Asked Questions About Continuing Accreditation

What is the format for the institutional report?

Should we include appendices or attachments with the institutional report?

How do we report the addition of a new program?

Should the report include our responses to areas for improvement or weaknesses cited at the last visit?

Where should institutions place the notice asking for third-party comment on the quality of programs that prepare teachers and other school specialists?

We have initiated a doctoral program that will have produced a small number of graduates by the time of our continuing accreditation review next year. Should we prepare additional documentation?

How many copies of the continuing report do I need and to whom should it be sent?

Who should I contact at NCATE with my continuing accreditation questions?

For more on the NCATE Unit Standards, see:

Frequently Asked Questions About the NCATE Unit Standards


What is the format for the institutional report (IR)?

An outline of the institutional report is included in the Handbook for Accreditation Visits. It should provide an overview of the institution, a description of the unit's conceptual framework, and a response to each of the six standards. The unit should present the evidence that documents how it meets each of the standards. Standards 1 and 2 must be addressed in detail, responding to each element of the standard. The unit must address Standards 3 through 6 individually, but can present the information in a more holistic manner. The IR should describe significant changes in the unit’s conceptual framework, programs, and policies since the previous visit. The IR, including any apendices, shall not exceed 100 pages, single spaced (double space between paragraphs), 12 point typeface. Read more about Institutional Reports

Should we include appendices or attachments with the institutional report?

The IR may include appendices or attachments, but it should not exceed a total of 100 pages including appendices.

How do we report the addition of a new program?

NCATE has accredited the professional education unit, which includes many programs for the preparation of school personnel. The accreditation implies that the unit has the capacity to offer all of its programs, and to eliminate and add programs as appropriate. The addition of new programs or the elimination of programs should be indicated in the unit's annual report to NCATE. It could be reported as changes related to the conceptual framework (Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions) or unit governance (Standard 6: Unit Governance and Resources). Before the next visit, a program review report for the program area must be submitted. During the on-site visit, the BOE team may ask questions about why a new program was added, the conceptual framework that undergirds it, and the resources that support it.

Should the report include our responses to areas for improvement or weaknesses cited at the last visit?

The institutional report should not include responses to areas for improvement or weaknesses cited at the previous visit. The BOE team will examine annual reports, your third-year report, and supporting documentation to verify that previous areas for improvement or weaknesses have been addressed.

Where should institutions place the notice asking for third-party comment on the quality of programs that prepare teachers and other school specialists?

The U.S. Department of Education asked accrediting organizations to require accredited institutions to call for comment about program quality as evidence of accountability and outreach to graduates and the general public. The announcement should reach a public audience in what is considered the service area of the institution. Examples of where notices could be placed include daily and weekly newspapers, alumni magazines, and the world wide web site of the institution. You can send a copy of this notice to NCATE or keep a copy available in the exhibit room at the time of the BOE visit. Read more about asking for third party comment.

We have initiated a doctoral program that will have produced a small number of graduates by the time of our continuing accreditation review next year. Should we prepare additional documentation?

NCATE will consider your doctoral program as one among the offerings of your advanced level unit. We recommend that you prepare a supplement to your institutional report that describes the new programs, including the conceptual framework(s) and model(s), criteria for admission and exit, candidate information, faculty assignment and qualifications, and budget and resources to support the program. At your previsit, you should discuss the program with the BOE team chair to ensure appropriate interviews and review at the time of the visit. A BOE team will pay particular attention to resource allocation when it examines doctoral programs.

How many copies of the institutional report do I need and to whom should it be sent?

One copy of the IR, college catalogs, and supplementary materials (i.e., student teaching handbook, brochures, etc.) should be sent to each Board of Examiners team member, the state consultant, and state observers. If the visit is a joint state/NCATE visit, a copy must be sent to each of the state representatives on the team. The names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of team members are on the team list that is sent to the institution several months before the visit. Also send two copies of the continuing report, college catalogs, and supplementary materials to the NCATE office to the attention of Denise Bundy at the same time that it is mailed to team members. The report should be sent to these individuals and NCATE 60 days or more prior to the visit.

Who should I contact at NCATE with my continuing accreditation questions?

Marva Atwater BOE training, scheduling, BOE team member contact

Barbara J. Olexer continuing accreditation workshop information

Wendy Wiggins action letters, third year review, summary of folio critiques, preconditions reports

Pam Magasich BOE training, BOE reports

Boyce Williams questions relating to the standards, delays

Denise Bundy annual reports, continuing reports

Yuki Yamagishi curriculum guidelines, tracking of annual reports, program reviews and rejoinders, critiques, interim reports


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